My Biggest Month Yet Selling Lego Online — September 2023

More orders, more parts, more turnover.

Joel Brown
5 min readOct 7, 2023
Photo by Qi Li on Unsplash

In September, I quite enjoyed putting together and sharing my numbers for August selling Lego online. So thought I would come back and share again with my numbers for September.

The theme that seemed to appear through September was a mixture of patience and growth. September started out slowly. The first week did not even total $50 in sales. A somewhat unexpected order for $300 in parts came through, which moved the momentum a little. However, the rest of the month was a mix of small orders punctuated with six orders over the $100 mark.

So let’s get in and look at all the important numbers for September. Please don’t hesitate to jump in and ask a question or let me know any further information you think would help improve these updates.

September Sales

My total sales increased by 10.4% over August to reach $1,624.21 in September. This was across 49 orders, which was an increase of 11.4% from August. Giving an average order value of $33.13, a decrease of 0.9% from August.

The sales are definitely moving in the right direction, but still fell short of my expectations



Joel Brown

My favourite topics walking, photography, motivation, ideas, and writing. Let’s have Coffee @